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By Anna Vejen Durán, Emma Fogh Melin & Catrine Nielsen

For the fashion industry to become sustainable, the prevailing linear economy needs to be transformed into a circular economy.
The key problem is that resources are not circulated, they are only extracted, consumed, and thrown away. But how do we change the economy? Are so-called fashion alternatives, such as rental services or second-hand platforms, sustainable solutions? Or are these alternatives just misleading marketing on the part of companies, so that they appear greener than they actually are? This blog aims to explore the concept of sustainability in relation to the circular economy and whether second-hand shopping and clothing rental are sustainable alternatives to fast fashion and the harmful environmental impacts of the fashion industry. The three posts shed light on consumer responsibility and how to navigate the sustainable buzzwords without being dazzled and cheated by marketing spin and green madness.

Mode model på Turquoise: Grå




By Anna Vejen Durán

A critical exploration of circular economy in the fashion industry. 
This post examines whether the environmental impacts of the industry benefit from the concept of circular fashion and if rental services in that regard can be termed as a sustainable alternative.

Mode model på Pink Wall




By Emma Fogh Melin

A critical exploration of GANNI Repeat and GANNI's attempt at a more green and sustainable image. This post explores whether the rental platform is a sustainable alternative or just greenwashing, allowing GANNI to take advantage of access-based consumption.

Mode model på Pink: Grå




By Catrine Nielsen

A critical exploration of Vestiare Collective's strive to portray a brand image of sustainable fashion. This post examines whether this second-hand platform is a sustainable alternative to fast fashion or under the influence of greenwashing as an attempt to elevate consumption.

Fashion Alternatives: Resources
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