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I don't know where to shop for it


I can't find anything that fits or looks good


is it better to shop second-hand?


choosing to use the resources we have

Second-hand shopping: Liste


the reasons to do it, how you should do it and how it helps in being a sustainable fashion consumer


Because we have so much textile resources already

In the capitalist society we have today, Fast Fashion emerged. We have all grown up with it and now we have grown accustomed to buying into the everchanging trends of fast fashion. As consumers we don't question constantly following the trends consisting of cheap clothes made possible by cheap and unethical labor. The Fashion system needs to change it way of conduct, but at the same time, we have so much clothing already lying around that maybe we need to start there. We need new more sustainable products, but also a more sustainable way of using and reusing the existing ones we have.


It is not about buying more!

While buying second-hand can be a part of changing the way fashion is consumed, this is not a suggestion to buy second-hand with a Fast Fashion mindset and then feel guilt free. Buying second-hand only creates a positive effect if it is accompanied by buying less too. This means when you buy second-hand, don't go into the store, and buy a lot of stuff you don't need. Buy the stuff you need in your wardrobe; stuff you feel and think you will use for a long time and in the end think of how you dispose of it. 


If you think you can't let go of following the trends of Fast Fashion, that is just your lazy brain talking. It feels so easy and nice to just follow the trendsetting footsteps of Fast Fashion and be dressed like everyone else. But where is the fun in that? Where is the creativity? 


What if "out of style" could be the new "in style"? We are all, as human beings, creative. Wired to create. Depending on your own taste and style is crucial to second-hand shopping, you are not looking to find what is closed to the trends of today. You are looking to find what is special to you, unique, makes you feel good. So, what if you stand out of the crowd if it's something totally different? That just means you are being creative and unique! We all need to be creative, not saying you need to be a designer but be a stylist of yourself. 


Everywhere around you!

All this might seem overwhelming, it can be a long process to reset your Fast Fashion wired mind. But there are numerous places to go, both physically and online. On the web there is lots of platforms like Trendsales, Tise etc. helping consumers to sell and buy. There is probably a thrift- or second-hand store in your neighborhood. Just remember to be critical and responsible in your way of buying second-hand. Make "Less i more" trendy in fashion again. 


If you know where to go but need some ideas on how to have fun and be creative with it check out Relove-your wardrobe, they share amazing tips on creative ways to use what you already have! 

Otherwise, check out the books on creativity in Fashion, re-wearing and repairing and circular fashion in the sources for Inspiration. Learn how you can be creative and a more sustainable fashion consumer! 

Second-hand shopping: Liste
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